Thursday, July 30, 2009

World Outgames Swim - 1 swim, 2 medals, 2 sex categories!

well, this story continues to get more interesting.

in addition to being clarified as the 'transsexual' gold medal winner of the World Outgames 1500M Freestyle swim, it appears i will also get to keep the Silver Medal i was initially awarded, given the fact that the World Outgames swim meet also doubled as the IGLA championships, (International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics). IGLA does not appear to have a transsexual athlete policy, but apparently evaluated me on a case by case basis and decided to classify me as a female for the event. As far as they are concerned, i was a female and i won the silver medal fair and square!

so the record books will go down as follows:

Jennifer McCreath 1500M Freestyle swim 28.31

World Outgames Gold Medalist
IGLA female 2nd ranked 35-39 year old swimmer, Silver Medal

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