Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 27, 2009 - bits n pieces

gee, little runs here and there added up over the day to 10k of running on what felt like a day off. no swim as i felt exhausted after work and had to come home from a nap. my mind has been preoccupied with some interesting personal life matters and that has made it more of a challenge for me to fall asleep. but it's all good. someone has entered my life recently and i am really excited about that.


Friday, February 27, 2009

February 26, 2009 - back in the pool

well, i sneaked in a couple of light jogs today. 5.5k but this was essentially another rest day. i got in my first swim of the week with a very slow and relaxing 2k in 48 minutes. essentially, this entire week has been a rest week. tomorrow will be simialr to today. then depending on how i feel on the weekend, i will potentially go for a mega endurance test.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25, 2009 - milestone birthday for a legend

ok, this has nothing to do with running but i have to wish Ric Flair, the greatest professional wrestler of all time, a very happy 60th birthday today!

i celebrated by writing him and challenged him to take up running and consider a marathon! for a 60 yr old pro wrestler to run a marathon would be a great way to validate to the world that wrestlers really are great athletes! this would also be in line with his latest professional role of being an 'ambassador' to the sport. i hope he decides to give this some consideration!

i also got the paper work today for my Guiness World Record application. these folks want a 20 page contract signed, so i am going to have to read and think carefully if this is really something i want to do.

no running and no swimming today.. this may be the first of several days off, as my knees desperate need a break.


February 24, 2009 - NLAA sanctioning update

a very stressful and challenging 6.6k of running today. i think i am going to have to take a couple of days off to get these knees some more rest.

emotionally exhausted as well. lots of matters in my personal and professional lives that are stressful as of late.

the meeting with the NLAA went well. they have indicated their intention to create a policy and/or position paper that will be forwarded to race directors across the province. the recommendation will be that i race without assignment to a sex category; that i not directly compete against males or females; and if this is not possible for whatever reasons, that i be assigned to the female category but be disentitled from winning sex-specific awards. so overall, a good discussion that will hopefully act as a benchmark for other provincial athletic associations and sanctioning bodies.


Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009 - rest day

well, 23.8k of aggressive hilly running yesterday was enough to wear me out, but all the excitement of the weekend that was made it difficult for me to get to sleep, so i felt quite out of it today. so today was essentially a rest day, although technically, i did run 1.2k to get to work. no swimming tonight. a well deserved rest day. let's hope i feel better tomorrow. gotta run downtown for a very important meeting with the folks to discuss my sanctioning for their local road races this summer. i'm sure the 3rd gender category discussion will take place. should get very interesting!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 22, 2009 - sad memories and a brand new one too!

wow, i ran up to middle cove beach today for the first time since, geeze, forever. one of my fav summer spots, as has been well documented on here. ran the mostly uphill 9.7k in 51.20, the 4th fastest run up there ever for me. what a shock! especially after all i did yesterday. i guess the adrenaline was flowing with the excitement of a nice sunny day and a trip to the beach.

the beach was lovely, although somewhat sad as it's not quite the same when it's cold and empty. i certainly hope i am still here in newfoundland come summer 2009 so i can have many more visits up there, and have many more swims in the ocean.

the run home was into a strong wind so i was slowed down a bit, but finished strong. and after a break, was out for another 5k to the ponds to feed the duckies.... what a great day! time for a nice bubble bath now!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 21, 2009 - stats

excellent day for me. started off with a very sluggish start to my swim. i considered packing it in after 1.5k, but took a rest instead, and that seemed to get me a second wind, and i felt stronger as the swim went on, finishing with 4k in 86 minutes. then it was off on the long run down to the lake and the ponds.. 17k of running with a couple of breaks to feed the duckies. at one point, i went hard for 5k as a bit of a test. and managed to come in with a crappy 29 minute time for that segment. then again, i was more than 3 hours into my workout, plus i was carrying my purse and swimming gear.. lol

overall, a strange week for me. 3 long runs and 4 really short ones..

89.2k on the week; 662.2k on the year

just for fun, let's recap the year so far:

jan 1-3: 18.6
week 1: 71.8
week 2: 57.5
week 3: 135.1
week 4: 89.8
week 5: 98.2
week 6: 82.0
week 7: 89.2
weekly average: 89.14
on pace for: 4648.13
annual goal: 5000.00

Friday, February 20, 2009

February 20, 2009 - decent swim

finally a decent swim tonight (3k in 68 minutes) after a couple of really poor swims earlier in the week. low mileage runs 3 days in a row (3.6, 7.5, 6.0k) may be partially accounting for that. the sore legs have healed to a certain extent too so i am hoping for a really awesome long run one day this weekend and a really long swim on the other day.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 19, 2009 - stiff

still sore in the back and arms from a massive snow shoveling session yesterday. managed to get in 7.5k of running and 1.2k slow and painful swimming. i really need to take a break from training for a few days and give myself a decent rest. not sure if i will ever do this though.. lol


February 18, 2009 - snow storm

as expected, a massive snow and wind storm hit Eastern Newfoundland today. most of the city was shut down today. i was off work but busy shoveling snow. also managed 3.6k of running, which can essentially act as a rest day.. but i just couldn't miss a visit to the pond. wind was so strong that running back home, i was literally running into the wind and not moving at times!

another storm scheduled friday so i am hoping to have a big day thursday and another restful day friday.

i have officially booked my travel for copenhagen, so it's official, i will run the marathon and swim the 1500m freestyle in the world out games. i also took advantage of air canada seat sales and booked myself two more spring marathons: Mississauga and Halifax, bringing me a net of 5 marathons in a 30 day period, a nice little milestone to add to my running resume!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009 - catching up

did 7.5k of mostly hill work yesterday and paying for it a bit. 15.8k of running tonight and a 1.6k swim.. enough to wear me out.. lol mostly running around doing errands before the big snow storm hits later tonight. got myself a new hair piece, so i am really excited.

could be a rest day tomorrow if this snow is as bad as they predict, and i know i certainly could use the rest!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15, 2009 - Long Slow Distance

32 fairly slow km for me this afternoon with lots of short breaks in between. had a duckie start biting my leg today to try to get my attention.. not sure that's the best way to get me to cooperate and share the bread crumbs.. lol

going to plan a few rest days this week and a few rather long run days.. this running 10k every day doesn't seem to be getting me where i want to go with my fitness.. also going to carefully plan my swims so i enter the pool in good shape.

my mood still seems to be a problem. feeling frustrated about my work situation seems to be ruining most of my days lately.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14, 2009 - another day of exhaustion

wow, this day didn't last long. a very sluggish run over to the pool and an even worse swim. 2.5k in 54 minutes was all i could take. i could barely complete the run home. after a break, it was an even more exhausting 2.8k run to the pond and back to have a visit with the duckies. i attribute this to a night of poor sleeping. hopefully tomorrow will be better.


February 13, 2009 - stay the course

well, a nice slushy rainy day here. plus 2 degrees.. went for a fairly long run (15.5k) and a short speed swim tonight (1.5k in 30 minutes) .. valentines day has traditionally been depressing for me, but i am rather indiffererent to it this year.. i plan to celebrate with some sort of insane endurance challenge, and then some chocolate hearts.. lol


Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009 - so much for that

well, the energy was nice while it lasted.. lol today was a very non-energetic day, probably caused by high stress and upsetting situations at work (what else is new).

got in 8 lethargic k of running today and then gave up after just 1.2k of very slow swimming. guess i wore myself out yesterday. now, let's see if i can even make it down the street and around the corner to have tea with the neighbours tonight!

tomorrow will probably be a low ley restful day so i can give it all i got for another maniacal weekend endurance challenge..


February 11, 2009 - big work out!

wow, amazing what a day off will do for energy! i went out for a long run and then a long swim and some more running last night. 25k running in total on the day, 19 of which were part of this run-swim-run medley. i had 4 very strong k in the pool tonight in 80 minutes even. my old benchmark pace. this is the first time i have managed to maintain a 100m/minute pace over a swim since my surgery. this was very exciting.. yet at the same time, a little discouraging given that in the 'old days' i was able to go faster.. oh well, 10-15% drop in speed is to be expected, and to still have enough energy to go out and run some more, was great!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009 - upsetting day

a very rare day off for me today. no running and no swimming. partially because today was a very upsetting and depressing day for me. (amazing how a negative emotional state can affect ones physical ability, energy levels, and motivation). i just wanted to remove myself from society today.. skipped out on some friends tonight too. seem to be feeling this way far too often. might have to look into some antidepressants.. just what i need, more chemicals to add to the mix. :(

hoping tomorrow will be better.


Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009 - rest day, sort of

well, today was supposed to be a rest day, but it was a very busy day with all sorts of chores to do. doctor appts, shopping, laundry, etc.. very productive day. and i couldn't resist sneaking in a little run at the end though, a gentle 3.7k run home from the car rental place. didn't get my swim in today as the arms were a little sore from the weekend swims. gonna try to have an easy week and recover enough to go at it big time again next weekend.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8, 2009 - exhaustion

well, after 5 hours of pushing it to the limit yesterday, i ventured out for a long and challenging run this afternoon pushing myself up and down the hilly streets of st. john's. had a nice visit with the pigeons again today. had 6 of them land on my left arm all at once, as they fought over the piece of bread i was holding.

totally exhausted, i took a break to chat with some friends for a few hours, and then hit the pool for what turned out to be a pretty good 2.1k swim.

this 'base-building' exercise sure is tough. might take a day or two off this week to recover. the knees and calf muscles are quite sore, a clear evidence of over training..


February 6 &7, 2009 - catching up

gee, i've been slacking with the posts this week. but that's cuz i've been busy training. 14.4k run on friday and 22.5k running on saturday. not to mention 2.5k and 5.0k swims respectively. totally exhausted yesterday from near 2 hr swim and near 3 hr run. i am really pushing the envelope and the knees and calf muscles are on the edge of injury due to over training. i'll have to watch this situation carefully.

sunday will likely be more of a rest day, at least by weekend standards.. lol


Friday, February 6, 2009

February 5, 2009 - running report.. lol

ah, 10k in the slush today. nothing quite like that kinda weather.. i've been logging quite a bit more km than i am used to and it's starting to take its toll on the knees. i think running thru snow and ice puts extra pressure on the knees. the good news is that the endurance seems to be fine. no exhausting affects from logging an average of 10k per day. just gotta get a few more pounds off so there's not so much pressure on the knees.

haven't swam in a few days. gonna try to get over to the pool more often. gotta get my swimming stroke up a notch now that i have a major swim meet to prepare for (World OutGames).


Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5, 2009 - TV

NTV news tonight 6 pm. if it doesn't air tonight, then tomorrow for sure, so i have been told.


February 4, 2009 - longer runs

wow, got in 16k today. including an evening 10k at a fairly quick pace, well, quick by my new standards (60.11). gotta be careful to not over do it. logging tons of km is part of 'base building' in the months leading up to a marathon. i'm trying to get that foundation as solid as possible so i can survive 3 marathons in 8 days with respectable times.

the media is starting to buzz about my 3rd gender category at the World Out Games. i am going to be interviewed by NTV today for a news story that will likely air on the 6 pm news in the near future. it will be an exciting chance to tell yet another positive story about a transsexual.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 3, 2008 - great swim

well, it was a strong 3k swim tonight. very exciting! as well as an 11k run. just a quick update here as i am falling behind.


Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009 - slow run

went for a long slow run tonight thru the partly shoveled sidewalks. runnign thru 6 inches of snow sure can be challenging on the knees. i managed 12k tonight, to add to the 6k i did throughout the day earlier. didn't feel like a swim tonight but manged to drag my butt out there for a run. that should add to the km totals. this 5000k annual goal is insane. not sure if i will actually make it without some overuse injuries.

had a rather miserable and depressing day today.. seem to be having many of those lately. guess it's a natural part of transitioning and the meds. but i also think it's a reflection on how some things in life aren't going as well as others. i try to use running and swimming to motivate myself and keep me pointed in the right direction so i can feel progress. i certainly hope all will go well with my big races this year.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 1, 2009 - explaining the rules

here's a note i shared with some friends. i felt it would be good to share the policy which i essentially wrote for the World Out Games' creation of a 3rd gender category....

it is to my understanding that this 3rd category will be deemed a
'participation' and not a competitive category. all marathonners will depart
the starting line at the same time..

the first three males to cross the finish will get medals; the first three
females to cross will get medals. there won't be medals handed out to 3rd
gender participants as it is not fair for me to directly compete against another
transperson who could be further or less further along into transition.

if i do happen to finish the marathon with the best time, or within the top 6
overall finishers, i still won't get any award, and from that stand point, it
seems unfair.

but i'm entering this event knowing darn well that i won't likely even finish in
the top 20, so the award issue is a non issue..

if i thought there was a reasonable chance that i could finish in the top 3
overall, and if i really wanted to win one a medal, i could have certainly
registered as a male.. but for me, this is more of a moral issue than anything
else. i just don't feel right running under the 'male' label anymore.. nor do i
feel i should have to sit out 2 years until i meet the IOC's criteria to be
accepted as female.

overall, in the record books, if there is in fact one, my name and finishing
time will appear along side everyone else. i notice has the
2006 world out games marathon results listed, so i would assume that my name and
time would find its place in their archives in 2009 as well.

for the swimming, same thing. it's 'participation' with no direct competition
against males, females, or other 3rd genders.. and no opportunities to
win medals. if i happen to be the only 3rd gendered person swimming, rather
than have me swim all by myself, they will apparently schedule me to swim along
side other people.

i totally agree that being labeled 3rd gender is not ideal. but i think this is
a chance to let people know that the first 2 years of transition are probably
the most socially challenging, and any opportunity to reduce the burden of the
'male' label will prove emotionally helpful for the athlete. better to have at
least some recognition than none at all.


anyway, it is not ideal, but it is a step in the right direction, and it will hopefully get people talking about the issue. just getting it on the radar and on the agenda is what we need...

anyway, massive snow storm early this morning made it difficult to run. i managed 7.3k today as well as a very exhausting 4k swim. the swim started strong but i really faded toward the end. after 3k, i was just about out of gas.. i really struggled to get the last k in there, but wanted to keep going until i was on the brink of collapsing. hard to believe that i used to be able to do over 6k in one shot. i'm gonna keep working on my fitness and see if i can get back to that level, even if i have to go slower.
