Sunday, May 30, 2010
May 30, 2010 - double run!
i also spent several hours cuddling with my lovely cats. I have now had the cats for 3 weeks, and already, i can't imagine how i lived without them. they are officially part, and an important part, of the household! They both want to send out a loud Meow!! to all the blog readers tonight.
well, it's been a great week for me.. here's the stats:
8 days
108 km run
0 timbits
2 garden salads
2 greek salads
3 pounds lost!
May 29, 2010 - sluggish run
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
May 26, 2010 - mid week long run
no marathon for me this weekend, but i will likely have some light long runs. after 5 in 34 days, i really need to focus on some recovery scheduling, as i can clearly feel the wear and tear..
Sunday, May 23, 2010
May 23, 2010 - Another Successful Marathon
i am in complete shock that my strength and endurance levels managed to survive; i am equally as amazed that the legs and knees held out strong. i actually ran the final 2.2k faster than any other 2k split in the entire race. my splits were 64, 68, 70 74. the second half is much hillier though, so this can be considered an equivalent to an even split. as i hit the 3/4 mark, i felt strong and realized i had a shot at a PB for the year, so that became the goal. after walking most of the hill on Maple Drive on the 39th km, i started to pick it up again and sprinted down the hill that lead to the bridge back to Halifax (the run started in Halifax and crossed over to Dartmouth for most of the 2nd half). at the 40k mark, i realized i had exactly 13 minutes to break 4.36, so i bolted it as hard as i could.
i actually collapsed after crossing the finish line out of exhaustion from the big push, but made it back to my feet after a brief rest on the ground. there were over 50 newfoundland runners there today, most of whom ran the half marathon. many said hello to me.
the other highlights of the weekend included an excellent visit with a group of LGBT youth, whom i had spoken to via video conference earlier in the week. To be a guest speaker at a high school is another nice feather in my cap, which shows that the education system has confidence in my ability to teach the facts about transsexualism, and to do so in a manner that is understandable and suitable for a teen audience. i spoke to 400 students last week, and then met up with about 15 of the core LGBT student group yesterday in person at a restaurant. Also present was an english teacher and the school health coordinator, who is also a 2 time boston marathoner and who initially got in touch with me to set up the events.
I also had a long visit with my father yesterday, and had a chance to discuss some important family business. the weather was nice so i had a lovely walk around Halifax harbourfront and the famous Halifax public gardens., where there is a massive tree that was planted in 1939 as a spud by King George the VI. Ahh, Halifax. my original home town. it's been 27 years since i lived there, and i am starting to think that it might be time for me to try to find a way to get work there, and get back home. i love it there.
well, hard to believe that 2 months ago, i was doubting whether i could even finish 1 marathon this year, let alone 5 in 34 days. it's definitely exciting that i managed to repeat what i did last year (when i ran 5 in 30 days). my times were much slower this year, but at least i can still do it. it's bitter sweet though to see my health and fitness levels so low. i really hope that i am able to find a way to get back into good shape. it's sucks finishing at the back of the pack after being at the front just 2 years ago. oh well, i am going to work my butt off and plan to take a serious shot at a BQ late this summer or early in the fall.
for those keeping score:
04/19/10 Boston Marathon 5.16.55
04/25/10 Big Sur Marathon 4.49.49
05/09/10 Fredericton Marathon 4.36.33
05/16/10 Mississauga Marathon 4.56.03
05/23/10 Halifax Marathon 4.35.54
average 4.51
last year's 5 in a month challenge:
04/18/09 Charlottesville Marathon 4.59.33
04/20/09 Boston Marathon 4.28.29
04/26/09 Waterloo Marathon 4.30.33
05/10/09 Mississauga Marathon 4.08.53
05/17/09 Halifax Marathon 4.08.33
average 4.27
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
May 19, 2010 - depressing week
Sunday, May 16, 2010
May 16, 2010 - Mississauga Marathon #4
A big congrats to Newfoundland's own Allison Hobeika, who ran her first marathon in nearly 3 years today. She was the overall female winner of today's race! i'm sure this will be big news back at home.
Friday, May 14, 2010
May 14, 2010 - Blue Bunny has a new friend!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
May 13, 2010 - More Meowing!

Meow everybody! This is Dasher the cat. I am typing Jennifer's blog for her today. I had a great time playing with this football this afternoon with my brother Danny. We are really enjoying out new house. Jennifer is a very good mommy. She feeds us, gives us fresh water, cleans our poop out of the litter box, and gives us lots of cuddles and belly-rubs! Jennifer is having a good week so far. She is still on an emotional high after running an amazing Fredericton Marathon. She is also in high spirits as she remains really excited to have us two cats as her new roommates. Jenn has taken it rather easy this week. She ran 13k on tuesday but only walked yesterday and today. Anyway, i am going to go take a cat nap, so i think i will sign off for now. Purrrrr!!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May 11, 2010 - Danny and Dasher - photo shoot!
Danny and Dasher the cats are already starting to get used to their new home. They love the couch in the living room with the nice blankets on it. Dasher also loves to take a nap under the couch! They are both very friendly cats who seem very happy and comfortable here. They also both love to cuddle with me! It's going to be quite the exciting experience for me to have these two cats. They are only 3 years old so they should live for a long long time! Jenn
May 10, 2010 - Candace Sutherland Interview uploaded

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Sunday, May 9, 2010
May 9, 2010 - near perfect marathon!
Now sure, running a 4.36.33 doesn't compare to the 3.16.59 i ran 2 years ago, but looking at the circumstances of having hormone and sex change, combined with the extra body weight, and the fact that this was 3 marathons in 20 days, i can't help but feel amazed at how well the run went. this really has me fired up and i am really looking forward to getting right back out there next weekend and the weekend after that to make it 5 marathons in 34 days, almost equivalent to the 5 in 30 days i did last year.
i think i am finally starting to get marathon ready. strangely enough, these three runs represent 3 of the only 4 LSD runs i have had since september. so i really entered Boston untrained. what i really need to do is keep up the momentum. these next two will likely be treated as training runs, with hopes to shave off a few minutes more (i'd love to run a 4.29 next week on the flat Mississauga course). then i will have to do whatever it takes to get into better shape so i can take a serious crack at a 3.45.59 late in the summer.
Friday, May 7, 2010
May 7, 2010 - update
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
May 5, 2010 - Meow!!!!

Well, i am very excited to announce that my household will officially be expanding next week. Dasher and Danny have been living at the local animal shelter for quite some time, and i have agreed to take them on. they are 'suspected' to be brothers, but they are not quite sure.. lol they are very friendly cats that love to be cuddled, so i am quite certain that they will be a good fit for me.

Anyway, it's been a rather light week for me so far. 15k on sunday, off monday and tuesday, and 9.70 today.. no swimming this week yet.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
May 2, 2010 - 5k race, of sorts
well, i have officially decided to run at least 1 marathon in may, and possible more, depending on my ability to secure cheap plane tickets! Fredericton is in, and Mississauga, Halifax, and Ottawa are all on the radar.
May 1, 2010 - Snubbed by 2010 Gay Games Cologne
Well, the Gay Games 2010 in Cologne Germany have officially snubbed me and many other early-stage transitioners from competing. they have refused to let me compete in the female division, nor are they willing to create a transsexual category. It's either run as male or don't run. So much for inclusion and acceptance! BOYCOTT the Gay Games folks!!!
Although they are not requiring full sex reassignment surgery, or even gonadectomy, they do require a minimum of 2 years of hormone therapy. As of the start of the Gay Games, i will technically fall 2 weeks short of 2 years on estrogen, hence, i will technically not quite make their cut off. i suppose i could go and try to argue my case, but that's not the point. this is not about me. it is about inclusion and acceptance of all, and if they are going to ask even 1 transwoman to compete as a male, then this is a place that i don't want to be.
I find it ironic that i have recently been asked to deliver a presentation about homophobia in sport. Now i will get to talk about transphobia in sport within the gay sports community. How sad!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
April 30, 2010 - month end report
well, we are officially 1/3 of the way thru the year. my training stats are way down, but that's ok. i managed to complete the two marathons that i had pencilled in on my to do list...
jan 271.60
feb 205.90
Mar 258.80
Apr 213.70
year so far running 950.00 km
Jan 32.0
Feb 20.0
Mar 07.9
Apr 05.2
year so far swimming 65.10 km
the best news is that after a challenging couple of months, my mood, confidence levels, and ambition levels seem to be back at a high level. With May right around the corner, it is going to be my plan to at least 1 more spring marathon. Perhaps more!
i am looking forward to the the spring running season and will also try to work extra hard over the summer to try to get myself into better shape for a serious fall marathon where i will attempt to get myself a 2011 Boston Marathon qualification.
should be a fun challenge!