Sunday, May 26, 2013

Back at it!

5/19/2013 sun - 3.30 km
5/20/2013 mon - off exhausted
5/21/2013 tue - off sore knees
5/22/2013 wed - off sore knees
5/23/2013 thur - 5.50 km
5/24/2013 fri- 11.70 km
5/25/2013 sat - 17.30 km

Finally starting to get back into the groove after a 2 week rest period due to tender knee issues. Unfortunately, I found myself with a new set of problems yesterday, with a couple of blisters from the new shoes, as well as a nasty stubbed toe on a rock at the bottom of Kent's Pond. Oh well, generally a good weekend!

week 37.8k
month 103.5k
year 750.1 k

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