Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 29, 2011 - Time to Ride the Orange NDP Wave!

Well, after careful consideration, I have decided to break my political silence and I have officially joined the NDP Party of Canada AND the NDP Party of Newfoundland and Labrador. The NDP has shown their commitment towards advancing LGBT human rights and health care, while the other parties have remained silent and uninterested in the issue. As someone who cares deeply for this country, and for the rights of all Canadians to live a life free from discrimination or humiliation, i feel joining the NDP team at this time is the best way to help advance these issues.

Even more importantly, after years of the Chretien Liberal sponsorship scandal, to the Harper Proroguing and Contempt of Parliament; and after historic low voter turnouts, it is time to restore respect, dignity, integrity and credibility to the Canadian Parliamentary process. The NDP appears to be very serious about all of these things. I publicly urge all Canadians to take a serious look at the Federal NDP platform and take a serious look at your local candidate running for the NDP.


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