Monday, January 4, 2010

January 3, 2010 - cold rainy day

hehe, cold rainy day could probably be the title for at least 300 of the 365 days out of the year for someone who lives in Newfoundland... But you know, i still love it here. the air is so fresh and pure, and the ponds, walking trails, and ocean are still beautiful to see in the rain.. and the wildlife such as ducks, squirrels and the rare occasional rabbit can still cheer anyone up!

i ran 5k today and swam 4k in the pool, for a nice overall light workout. the visit at the pond on rainy days is always more fun because the ducks are usually hungrier as nobody else has dropped by to feed them..

the rest of my day was spent on the couch watching week #17 of 17 of the NFL season, as several teams struggled to get that one last win to get themselves into the playoffs.

i guess the christmas season is officially over tomorrow, and i look forward to getting down to some serious business with my some Plan Bs and Plan Cs as far as strategies to find meaningful employment,and to improve my health and fitness.


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