Wednesday, May 1, 2019

McCreath's reaction to Jenn Smith of BC

So, it was brought to my attention tonight that a trans-identified person by the name of Jenn Smith (who interestingly enough, appears to be a non-op feminine-presenting male, with a female name, but requests masculine pronouns), has been causing a stir out in BC as an apparent visible trans community member who is opposing the inclusion the teaching of trans-accepting values in school.

Anyway, after an hour or two of watching Jenn videos, I noticed three key themes, and ironically, they all seem to be quite oxy-moronic.

1) Jenn keeps referring to trans as a 'lifestyle choice'  well, if this is what you are talking about Jenn, then you've got this community all wrong and you have gotten this educational program all wrong. This is not about lifestyles, this is about accepting people who have a medical condition and treating them with love, respect, and equality, not to mention, ensure access to the medical treatment they need.

2) and Jenn, no, this is not a 'trans agenda' program designed to force or encourage people to transition who are not in need of transition medical services, it is simply a program designed to make people aware that there will be people in life that they will come across, who will indeed identify as someone who needs trans medical services. In fact, having watched many of your interviews, the only 'agenda' i can see Jenn, is yours - specifically, your agenda to discourage trans people from seeking the medical attention that they need, and this is a serious problem. Yes, there are some cases of trans-regret, but most studies I have seen over the past 13 years suggest that trans-regret is less than 1%. So the risk of trans-regret is not a valid reason to shut down trans medical services or trans educational programs.

3) Jenn seems to have a hard time understanding the difference between sex and gender... and perhaps this is where the terms "transgender" or "trans umbrella" have gotten the trans community into this messy set of arguments with the religious and the political right-winged.   

I have always liked the term transsexual, as it implies that we are talking about people who desire and/or require medical interventions to their body to change SEX... not just a case of someone doing some sort of gender-bending for various personal non-medical reasons, (ie: cross-dressing, drag performing, or transvestism).

If the various trans community members don't want to have to deal with infighting in their local communities, perhaps it is time to clearly state the difference between transsexuals and the rest of the trans community.. Because it is the transsexuals who take all the discrimination and abuse, but it is the gender-benders who are the core of this onslaught of anti-trans attacks.

Should children in school learn about the fact that trans people exist? Yes, absolutely. Should they be taught to respect them and treat them with dignity and equality? yes..  and Jenn, so far, your arguments against SOGI do not address SOGIs core mandate in the first place.

Finally, Jenn Smith seems to constantly talk about alternate motives of this 'trans movement'.  but Jenn, it seems you are the one with the hidden agenda here, as you seem to be getting financial results from booking all of these 'talk sessions' you have been doing.

So Jenn, say what you feel you must, but take note that the rest of the world can see through your propaganda and bullshit.

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